How to Keep your Fireplace Safe this Winter

There is a greater risk of household chimney fires spreading to the home during the coldest months of the year. If you own a fireplace, you might be unsure of how to keep your chimney secure and wonder where to begin. 

Here’s what you need to know to keep your chimney and fireplace secure throughout the chilly burning season.

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How To Clean Your Solar Panels the Right Way

Over time, the dirt that naturally builds up on solar panels can block how much sun the solar cells are able to absorb. And while you may not notice it at first, your panels can slowly start to lose efficiency. By the time you notice, they might not be meeting your home’s energy needs! To get the most out of your solar panels, learn how to clean them the right way and keep them working in peak condition.

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5 Signs You Need a Water Softener Repair

5 Signs You Need a Water Softener Repair
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Your home’s faucets and plumbing appliances receive water that has been filtered and treated. The alternative is to use groundwater from a well, where you probably have your system for treating the water. Homeowners from Louisville to L.A do not always realize that a water softener may be the only way to resolve their hard water issues, regardless of which situation they find themselves in.

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Tips for Preparing Your Deck for Winter Weather

Tips for Preparing Your Deck for Winter Weather

Winter is approaching quickly, which means it’s time to do some prep work. Many people like to perform a winter cleaning to get their spaces holiday-ready. You could extend this mindset to your home’s exterior and work on your deck, too.

Cold temperatures and snow can take a toll on your outdoor living space. Prepare your deck for winter weather so you can use your amenities all year long.

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