How to Create a Personality-Packed Wall with Wall Decor

Guest Blogger:  Kerrie Kelly, ASID
Wall Decor 1

Wall decor is one of the easiest ways to turn a ho-hum space into a statement-making room. A personality-packed wall is a fun way to embrace your own style without needing to invest in the latest trendy furniture. While the gallery wall, which features a curated collection of photos and artwork, is a major trend, we’d like to take a look at a few different ideas that are a bit more out of the ordinary. From Read More

Learn from Home Inventory Expert, Tricia Hoekwater

home inventory expertThis week HomeZada was lucky enough to chat with Tricia Hoekwater, founder and president of Uniquely Yours Digital Solutions: Certified Home Inventory Expert and Digital Organizer. As an inventory specialist, Tricia speaks to senior organizations and non-profits about the importance of creating a home inventory and assists her clients with documenting the contents of their most prized asset – their home, as well as, how to declutter and create a digital library of their photos and papers. Read More

How to Buy the Best Mattress for the Best Sleep

Buy the Best MattressGetting a good night’s sleep is so important to the overall health of all humans! We have shared advice on room colors and room temperatures, now let’s talk about mattresses. A bed is an opportunity for anyone to recharge in order to start the next day. With a great night’s Read More

HomeZada Tip: Tracking Home Finances

Owning a home has so many components that keep us on our toes, but one of the aspects of a home that is extremely valuable are the details surrounding the finances about a home. Remembering what you paid for your home and what its current appraised value is Read More

How to Pet Proof Your Backyard Infographic

HomeAdvisor created this great infographic describing how to pet proof your backyard. Take into consideration fencing areas, common areas, and organic fertilizers to protect the garden and also your pets. Knowing which plants to grow in your yard will also help you keep your pets safe from illness. Simply adding a dog house or fencing can keep your pets safe in their own backyard. Carefully using safe fertilizers and planting pet safe plants to your garden can also help keep a pet safe. Remember hanging decor and bird feeder. A cat or dog can easily jump high only to hurt themselves.

Remember your furniture. If you have nice furniture and you do not want your pets on the cushions, then take precautions. You can add paper that scares the pet or training to make sure the pet does not climb on the furniture.

Take a look at how you can pet proof your backyard. Read More