How to Make Your Own Homemade Bug Spray

How to Make Your Own Bug SprayWhile the EPA has given DEET (the most commonly used chemical in conventional bug sprays) the “all clear” for use on both adults and children, many individuals prefer to find a more natural way to control pests and prevent bug bites. Read More

HomeZada New Property Market Analysis Report

When buying a home, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important factors is the current local market conditions. Current market conditions are based on recent home sales, current active listings, and the historical sales of comparable homes in your exact neighborhood. Read More

New Receipt and Text Advanced Imaging Intelligence Automates Home Inventory Process

We are excited to announce a new technology that streamlines the process of creating a home inventory using advanced imaging intelligence. HomeZada now uses image recognition technology specifically for homeowners when using their mobile phone to take a picture of a receipt. Once you upload the photo of the receipt to HomeZada, our image recognition technology will read all text on the receipt and display that to you automatically. Read More

HomeZada Project Management Gets Better

With the help of our customers, HomeZada continues to improve on its solution. HomeZada has added an “actions” tab to the home improvement projects. These actions enhance project management with regards to repair, design and remodel projects. This new ‘Actions’ tab on the Projects page allows you to have a simple action list of all the actions you need to complete for that specific project. Read More