HomeZada New Feature: Print Individual Items

HomeZada New Feature: Print Individual Items

Many HomeZada customers have asked for a detailed print of a specific inventory item. The request is printing a detailed view of each inventory item that can be shared with insurance agents, estate planning attorney’s, or property managers.

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8 Creative, Easy (and Cheap) Table Runners for Any Home

8 Creative, Easy (and Cheap) Table Runners for Any Home

If historians are correct, then the concept of table runners began in the middle ages, originally as a means of protecting tablecloths from sloppy diners.

Which meant a lot less work for the already frazzled housekeeping staff!

Imagine…when you use a table runner, you could be carrying on an ancient tradition, following in the footsteps of Anne Boleyn or Henry VIII…

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5 Ideas for Repurposing Old Curtains

Replacing your curtains is an easy way to change the look of your home, but what do you do with the curtains you replace?

If they’re in good shape you could simply have them cleaned and then either sell them or donate them to a thrift store.

But have you ever thought of repurposing them instead?

Here are some great upcycling ideas to make good use of your old curtains.:

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