How to Win a Bidding War

How to Win a Bidding War

If you’ve submitted an offer on a home for sale, you may now find yourself in a bidding war with other buyers — especially in a seller’s market like we’re experiencing today. When there is limited inventory and lots of demand, odds are that the seller will have loads of offers to choose from. It’s at this point that rather than giving up on your dream home, you may opt to adjust your offer by making the terms more seller-friendly or by increasing how much you’re willing to pay.

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What’s in a Home Offer?

What's in a Home Offer?

When buying a home, your offer can make or break the deal. It is the first piece in the negotiation process with the seller, so it’s important to get it right. Work closely with your real estate agent to craft an offer that is attractive to the seller and helps you win the home over other buyers. Here’s what should be included in your offer and how to make yours stand out — especially in a seller’s market, where competition is fierce.

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Home Buyers: What to Discuss with Real Estate Agent

Are you in the process of buying a new house or trying to sell your house and have no idea how you should be going about it? Are you thinking about using a real estate agent to help you out but want to make sure you are asking all the right questions?

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5 Unconventional House Ideas That Might be Right for You

5 Unconventional House Ideas That Might be Right for You
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While products such as wood, concrete and glass are among the most common materials used in today’s modern homes, the designs and materials people have used over millennia are many and varied.

If you can’t afford the home you want or you would enjoy living in a home that is contrary to “the norm”, we’ve got you covered.

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How to Safely Buy a Home During COVID-19

How to Safely Buy a Home During COVID-19

Although the end of the pandemic is beginning to come into view, it’s still far from over. Many communities will begin to loosen restrictions as more Americans get the vaccine and infections lessen, but it will likely be a phased approach. Home buyers in any community should continue to take safety precautions — and those precautions can make you feel comfortable that you won’t put you or others at risk when buying a home during COVID-19.

Once you’ve decided to start your search, here are some easy ways you can avoid spreading the virus to others or getting it yourself.

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