7 Awesome 3D Printed Decor Items For Your Coffee Table

Guest blogger, Karen Fernandes

If your coffee table is looking a little empty at the moment I’d like to talk to you about some things you can use to brighten it up. But these items come with a slight twist. They’ve all been manufactured using a 3D printer. And I think you’ll love at least one or two of them. Read More

Home Remodel Tip: New Bedroom Floor

New Bedroom Floor

Replacing the flooring in a bedroom is a common project.  Many people put in new carpets but almost equally popular is putting hardwood floors in a bedroom. The choice of carpet or hardwood floors is a matter of personal preference. Carpets are soft and warm and can complement almost any design theme. Wood floors can become the design highlight of a room because of how dramatic they can look especially combined with wood furniture. What do you need for a new bedroom floor? Read More

Decorating with Sunshine and Smiles

What can you say about the color yellow? It is used often in baby’s rooms and often forgotten about in other rooms in a home. But yellow brings joy and happiness to a room. Yellow represents sunshine and smiles. The sunny side of yellow always brings so many smiles to people. It illicit feelings of happiness and warmth. It has a freshness about it and has been said that it can help boost metabolism. So if you are trying to lose weight, add yellow to your walls. Read More

What does your Front Door Say?

Your front door can be the first thing most visitors learn about your personality. The style of door and the color of your front door can set the stage for what is to come at guests enter your home.

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Do Not Do it Yourself: 4 Home Improvement Projects Best Left to the Pros

Do Not Do it Yourself

 Guest Blogger: Jeremy Thompson

A home improvement project is the fastest way to customize and add value to your home. Many people even choose to start home improvement projects themselves to save money on the cost of skilled professional labor. However, there are some home improvement projects that should always be handled by a professional contractor for best results. So do not do it yourself if a pro is better suited for the work. Read More