Clean Windows … No Professional? No Problem!

GWindow-cleaninguest Blogger: Carmen Fiordirosa

The spring season is the perfect time to give your home a good cleaning — and when you’re in the midst of seasonal de-cluttering, mopping floors and otherwise sprucing up your home for this bright and fresh time of year, don’t forget about the windows. Your home’s windows impact your home’s curb appeal, let sunshine in on long springtime days, open to let in fresh air, and give you wonderful views to the outdoors. Unfortunately, over time, it’s all too easy for them to get dirty and dingy both inside and out — and that’s why a regular cleaning is so important. The good news is that it’s easy to get professional results at home even without complicated tools or techniques. To refresh your home this season, Read More

Moving Checklist – Infographic

Moving can be an exciting but stressful time in a person’s life. And the average person moves between 6 – 10 times in their lifetime.  Wow, that ‘s a lot of moves. Between those 6 – 10 times of moving, we continuously acquire more and more possessions. So what are the best techniques or moving checklist to get organized and packed for that move? Your next house is waiting.

First, knowing that you and your family own a lot of things will help you understand that moving is a process. And that with any process, there is risk of running into challenges. Keeping your frame of mind flexible will help you make it through the moving process. Here is a moving checklist and more tips on this infographic.

These tips will help you understand what else you can do to manage through your move.  Read More

Unique Headboards to Spruce up Your Bedroom

Our bedrooms can be our sanctuary giving us the much needed rest to rejuvenate our bodies. With these unique spins on how to craft a headboard to spruce up your bedroom, you can also have a unique space for which to call your haven.  Headboards created with items around your home can add whimsy, as much as, style. Pool noodles and sporting equipment can make a child’s room come alive with activity. Old shutters, reclaimed wood or rough two by fours can be cleaned, painted and Read More

Getting Ready for a Party, How Do I Store Alcohol?

Store AlcoholTo refrigerate, freeze or not? A question often associated with storing alcohol. Most alcohol can be stored at room temperature and still taste wonderful. In fact, most liquors have a high alcohol content which enables them to be drinkable for long periods of time. This pertains to alcohol but not wine. Wine requires more careful temperature management and has a drink by date depending on the type of wine you purchased. Some alcohol is impacted more by light than temperature. For instance, whiskey prefers a dark room at room temperature to preserve its properties.  Read More

5 Simple Bathroom Organization Tips You Need to Read Right Now

Small_Bathroom_Chic-_Space_Saving_Solutions_from_Bathroom_Bliss_by_Rotator_Rod_4_grandeGuest Blogger: Eva Hines

Whether you have a gigantic bathroom or a compact one, you’re bound to have trouble keeping it neat and organized. While maintaining a tidy bathroom poses a complex problem to many people, keeping the bathroom clean is important for a lot of reasons. One reason, an organized bathroom can help you get ready quickly.

Cutting down on bathroom clutter by eliminating the things you don’t need, like that expensive shampoo that smells weird or that lipstick that’s not the right color, is sure to free up some space and help you set things straight in your bathroom. But if you’ve already done that and still have a disorderly bathroom, Read More