Lighting Tips for a Brighter Home

kitchen-lighting-500x332A home’s lighting can set a home apart and can also help those living in the home have a productive and soothing environment depending on what is the focused goal of the home. Homes need light to get from one end to the other safely. But lighting can also add so many elements to enhance the living experience for the homeowners.  The first step is to understand how your home will be used and what lighting needs you have for Read More

6 Things You Can Do Every Day to Keep Your Home Clean and Organized

Home CleanGuest Blogger: Kurt Jacobson

Juggling two kids, family and career is no easy task. And I totally understand that you don’t want to spend your free weekend scrubbing the kitchen floors or putting away laundry. But here are six easy things you can try and do every day to keep your home clean and organized.

Of course, some days may be worse than the others and you may not be able to complete everything on the list. But keep trying, adapt the suggestions to make them work for you. And it won’t be much longer before you are the proud owner of a clean and organized home. Read More

Q&A Session with Clear Home Solutions Founder, Marty Stevens Heebner

martyClear Home Solutions was founded by award-winning entrepreneur Marty Stevens-Heebner. She was inspired to launch Clear Home Solutions through her personal experiences involving her 90-year-old father and her 88-year-old aunt with dementia. She also leveraged her many years of organizing experience and inventorying the “stuff” in her own life and businesses to provide value to her clients.  Marty was the first Certified Senior Move Manager (SMM-C) in the country, and is also a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO) and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS).  In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Senior Move Managers, Marty is also a Public Policy Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Association and serves on the Board of OPICA, an adult day programming center catering to people with memory disorders and their families.  Read More

The Top 3 Values of Simple Home Air Filters

 Air FiltersAir filters are these simple and low cost items that provide a big bang in value to a home. Air filters need changing between three and four times a year. If you live in a very dusty area or have a lot of pets, you may want to consider changing your air filters more frequently. But what’s the big deal about these air filters anyway? Why do they make a big impact on a home? And what would happen if someone forgets to change the air filters? Here are some tips that can help every one understand the value of air filters. And what they do for your home and your home’s equipment. Read More