We just love books. They take you to another world where you escape reality, solve a murder, create excitement and suspense or travel to a new location. Read More
We just love books. They take you to another world where you escape reality, solve a murder, create excitement and suspense or travel to a new location. Read More
During this very challenging time when Hurricane Sandy is on its way to touch land, our HomeZada team felt we wanted to remind everyone of hurricane preparedness. It is very important to take precautions during this hectic time to prepare for what could be. This post first ran months ago but timeliness is important. To everyone potentially effected by Hurricane Sandy, please stay safe.
College Football is in full swing and with that some great rivalries, school logo wear and tailgating. Tailgating parties are often put together for game attendees leveraging the backs of trucks, thus the term tailgating, but more and more people are hosting game day parties at their homes. What to keep in mind when getting your tailgate party together is quite simple. Read More
With the upcoming holidays, the time of year for family and friends is quickly approaching. Many family and friends get together from different areas around the US or even the world and stay at each other’s homes. When these guests are staying with you, here are some great tips to help make your guest stays more comfortable. Read More
House Fires are such a dangerous situation. They can cause death, injury and house damage. This house fires infographic shares details about house fires like when they occur. Did you know that seven people die every day from a house fire? House fires are serious and also cause over $11 billion annually in property damages. For those of you with older homes, make sure to check your smoke detectors. Many fires go undetected due to non working smoke detectors. As a result, please make sure you take the appropriate precautions like establishing exit plans for your family and making sure you have fire extinguishers. Also, install smoke detectors and keep your batteries current in your smoke alarms. Safety first. Read More