Clover Lawns: The Eco-Friendly Alternative?

Modern landscaping often features traditional grass lawns, but maintaining your lawn can mean a significant investment of time, effort, resources, and money – especially if you pay someone to take care of it for you.

If you’re looking for a lower-maintenance, eco-friendly lawn solution, it may be time to consider clover.

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Creative Toy Storage Solutions for a Clutter-Free Living Room

One of the most common reasons people move is to accommodate a growing family. Families move not just to accommodate more family members but also all the stuff that comes with them — more furniture, more clothes, and lots and lots of toys.

But before you move across the country for a house with bigger closets, it’s worth considering some innovative storage solutions in your current home. With a bit of creative thinking, you can easily and discreetly triple or quadruple your living room’s storage capacity. Guests who come over to watch the big game won’t even suspect that the sectional sofa they’re sitting on, the coffee table they set their drink on, and the ottoman under their feet double as secret toy storage.

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Outdoor Wellness Spaces: Transforming Your Backyard

Many Americans feel stressed these days, and it’s hard to blame them.

On top of the usual work and life stressors, recent years have seen plenty of economic uncertainty and political turmoil around the world, alongside the lingering effects of the pandemic. Meanwhile, statistics show that more people are moving long distances in search of jobs and affordable housing, which has left many without a strong social network. More than ever, homes are a much-needed sanctuary.

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