Should You Embrace the Minimalist Lifestyle?

Should You Embrace the Minimalist Lifestyle?The reasons why people choose to live a minimalist lifestyle are as different as the individuals themselves.

Some do it for aesthetic reasons. They feel their clutter seems to have taken on a personality of its own so it must be tamed. Read More

Learn from Home Inventory Expert, Tricia Hoekwater

home inventory expertThis week HomeZada was lucky enough to chat with Tricia Hoekwater, founder and president of Uniquely Yours Digital Solutions: Certified Home Inventory Expert and Digital Organizer. As an inventory specialist, Tricia speaks to senior organizations and non-profits about the importance of creating a home inventory and assists her clients with documenting the contents of their most prized asset – their home, as well as, how to declutter and create a digital library of their photos and papers. Read More

The Space Savers Encyclopedia Infographic

Every now and then we all need help with de-cluttering our homes. When de-cluttering, we often need to identify what to throw out and what to keep? This can be challenging if we love all of our items. But once we decide on what to keep, we need to determine where they go in our homes. There are always great ways to create space savers. Once the decision has been made to remove items, donating or selling the items will help make room for the items being kept.

Storage Tips

Space savers are always important to storing items. How do we work more efficiently in our home with items that have dual solutions or can be stored in unique places? These questions and more are answered in the following infographic from FlexiSpace. The know about storage and work space areas, because it is their core business and what they do best. Take a look at this infographic for some more tips on what to do with the items you have and help define the items that may be sent away.  Read More

5 Ways to Get Your Basement Organized Quickly and Effectively

basement packingGuest Blogger: Jennifer Caughey

Summer is here! With the longer days and — if you’re lucky — more time off, many people set aside this time for finishing projects around the house. One of the top projects on everyone’s list: getting more organized. Your basement in particular probably needs work, if you’re anything like the rest of us.

It’s also a time for vacations, however, and who wants to have to stay home to work on their to-do list instead of traveling, sightseeing, and relaxing? Luckily you can do both if you power through organizing your basement using these five tips. Read More