4 DIY Treat Puzzle Toys Your Dog Will Love

Who hasn’t had a dog tear up a toy within hours…sometimes minutes…of bringing it home?

And with the cost of dog toys, if this happens a lot with your pets, you’ll spend more money than you’d like replacing each one they destroy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of things you probably have in your house, right now, that you can use to make a fun, stimulating toy for your dog.

Organize Your Mind and Home

Organize Your Mind and Home

It’s never the wrong time to start getting organized. No matter what the motivation, bringing order to your life will help facilitate your sense of creativity, relieve feelings of stress and increase your productivity. It is a well known fact that your surroundings go hand-in-hand with your well being. Check out these tips on how to take the plunge into getting organized for the sake of your mental health.

Water Pipe Safety for Your Home

Water Pipe Safety for Your Home

Understanding basic plumbing within your home can make a considerable difference in how you prioritize upgrades within your home improvement budget. Investing in quality plumbing can also increase the real estate value of your home.