How to Make an Indoor Green Living Wall

How to Make an Indoor Green Living WallAlso known as a vertical garden, living wall or ecowall, indoor green living walls are no longer just for businesses.  Many homeowners enjoy including these beautiful and natural architectural features in their homes. Read More

How to Grow a Garden in a Small Space

IHow to Grow a Garden in a Small Spacef you’ve been dreaming of growing your own food but you live in a small home with an even smaller yard, take heart.

You don’t have to own acres of land to grow tasty vegetables…or even fruit!

Following are some tips and tricks for gardening in a small space that will fill your baskets with bright and tasty foods and help you save money too! Read More

How to Cut Costs on Lawn Care This Summer

How to Cut Lawn Care Costs This SummerSooner than you may realize the sound of snowblowers will slowly be replaced by lawnmowers. If you’re going to be walking behind – or riding – one of those lawn mowers, you don’t have to spend a fortune to keep your lawn in good shape. Read More

Rooftop Garden Designs and Ideas

Getting Started on a Rooftop Garden1Guest Blogger: Heather Roberts

Consider the good looks your home will have with a nice rooftop garden and you will have a lot to gain from it. If your roof happens to be large enough to be able to accommodate a roof garden, as well as, the building construction allow it, then you have the amazing opportunity to create a truly stunning space on top. Use the guidelines ahead to make your project work out better in Read More