Craft Your Own Stunning Butterfly Shadow Box: A DIY Guide

If you’ve ever seen one of those butterfly shadow boxes you know just how beautiful they can be. Viewing the details of each wing, body, and antennae is mesmerizing.

These elegant displays add a touch of whimsy and sophistication to any room, but if you’ve ever priced one you might have been surprised at the cost.

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5 Cool Ways to Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper in Your Home

5 Cool Ways to Use Peel and Stick Wallpaper in Your Home
Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

Whether you’re a seasoned home renovation pro or you shudder at the thought of making a bad paint color decision, there’s something to be said for home improvement ideas that are easy to use and just as easy to change up if you don’t like the results.

Peel and stick wallpaper is one of those kinds of ideas.

It can be used to add pattern and color to plain walls without damaging them. Unlike traditional wallpaper (which requires messy pasting), peel and stick wallpaper is much easier to install and remove. 

Peel and stick wallpaper options have definitely improved over the years, and today you can find colors and designs that suit just about any design style.

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5 Things I Wish I knew Before I Started My Home Design Project

home design projectCreating a home design project is exciting and thrilling. As homeowners, we get to personalize our space and homes to meet our needs and desires. We get to add our own personality to our homes. This is just plain fun! But there are things that homeowners wish they knew before they started their home design projects. Here are the things I wish I knew before I started my home design project. Read More