How to Close up Your Vacation Home

While snowbirds rush to their summer homes at the first sign of a wind chill, snow bunnies jump at the chance to spend the season engaging in winter sports. 

To ensure a warm welcome and prevent unpleasant surprises, both types of seasonal homes need to be properly shut down.

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Ep 015 – How is Your Health is Impacted by Home Maintenance


We want to speak about how your home can impact your health. You might not realize but regular home maintenance plays an important role in protecting you from illness. On today’s episode, we discuss four key components to consider when thinking of your health as it relates to your home. Listen as we give helpful tips related to air, water, fire and earth and the damage they can cause.


  • [01:20] What is a healthy home and why it’s important.
  • [2:45] How to protect air quality in your home.
  • [09:20] The two main ways that water in your home can affect your health.
  • [16:42] How to protect your family and home from fire.
  • [23:52] Understand the different threats that the earth poses to your home.


  • One of the first things you can do to protect air quality is change your air filters, change them regularly. Do not wait, change them regularly.
  • Be better prepared for a fire inside your home by placing fire extinguishers in key areas of your home so you can easily access them.
  • If you bought a home with a retaining wall, you want to make sure that the retaining wall is being held in place and draining correctly. If not, the build of water can cause major issues to your home.


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Common House Repairs New Homeowners Should Know About

Common House Repairs New Homeowners Should Know About

Becoming a homeowner comes with lots of responsibility, from managing mortgages to home maintenance. Unlike renting property, as your own landlord, you make all the calls, fixes, and updates. Routine house assessments and improvements allow you to keep your home in its prime and maintain its value over the years. Here are three of the most common house repairs new homeowners should know about.

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5 DIY Treadmill Desk Ideas You Can Build in a Day!

One of the best ways to stay healthy is by incorporating walking into your daily life. But if you’re stuck behind a desk for much of the day, and you’ve got a family to take care of, it’s often all too easy to let your exercise routine get pushed to the sidelines.

A treadmill desk can help you get in your workout while you keep working. But, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you can make your own for much less than you’d imagine.

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