5 Ways to Copy Magnolia Homes Home Decor Style

5 Ways to Copy Magnolia Homes Home Decor StyleIf you’re a fan of the HGTV series “Fixer Upper”, staring Chip and Joanna Gaines, you’ve no doubt seen the “casual farmhouse style” that permeates the style of their renovations.

A warm, cozy style, it’s not difficult to copy it for your own home and make it yours. Read More

How to Make Your Home Feel Cozy and Warm

Make Your Home Feel Cozy and WarmWhat makes a home feel cozy and warm?

Is it the people living in it? Is it how a home is decorated or its age…or is it a combination of all…or some…of these things?

Whatever makes a home feel “like home” to you, you know it when you see it. You walk into a room and instantly you feel at ease, ready to relax and forget your cares for a while. Read More

5 Ways To Make Your Neighbors Jealous Of Your Backyard

You work hard to take care of your lawn and garden.

From mowing and weed-eating, to clipping and pulling weeds, there’s a lot that goes into making a beautiful landscape. So why shouldn’t you have a little fun with all of that hard work and do some things that will make your backyard the envy of the neighborhood? Read More

HomeZada Project Management Gets Better

With the help of our customers, HomeZada continues to improve on its solution. HomeZada has added an “actions” tab to the home improvement projects. These actions enhance project management with regards to repair, design and remodel projects. This new ‘Actions’ tab on the Projects page allows you to have a simple action list of all the actions you need to complete for that specific project. Read More