When you secure homeowners insurance, you trust that your insurance agent is giving you the best policy based on information that you have provided them. Our insurance agents are not often invited to our homes to review the details of what we own and how we use our homes, so insurance agents are guessing about what you own and what the standard homeowner has in their home. You however, may not be an standard homeowner and may have collections or kids away at school with Read More
Backyard Wedding: What you need to do to Prepare For Them
This is a beautiful time of year for weddings. Hosting a backyard wedding is a very personal experience. A backyard wedding can also provide cost less than a traditional wedding. One thing to keep in mind when hosting a backyard wedding is you still need execute on all the details to make sure your event goes off Read More
Home Offices for Better Productivity

Did you know that 59% of prospective home buyers want a home office in their next home. Home offices are great rooms that allow you to work from home if your job allows, conduct your personal home business in a quiet environment and also allows your students to study if necessary.
What to consider?
When designing your home office keep a couple of things in mind. How many people in your family will use this office? What will the purpose of its use be? What furniture will you require? Will you require multiple work stations or desks or will your require a small conference area to Read More
Budgeting through Product Research in a Home Improvements Project
Many homeowners embark on home improvement projects they have never done before. So, they struggle when determining a high level budget. Many reasons for the struggle is because this budget is completely unknown. Here are some steps to consider in helping you develop a budget. In order to see if a project is even financially feasible for you, these steps will come in handy. Read More
Make Better Decisions by Becoming the CEO of your Home
Your home is one of your largest assets. And your home needs a lot of care and understanding in order to maintain its value. As it’s primary care giver or CEO of your home, are you really aware of what is going on in your home? Are you aware of what your are spending on home improvement projects? Are you up to date on your home maintenance and what it is you need to do to take care of your home? How about documenting what you have in your home? Do you know what you own or will you need to recall everything
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