4 Steps to a Clean and Organized Garage

Organizing a garage presents some unique challenges: how do you organize cars, toys, sports equipment, beach chairs, and cleaning supplies in one spot?

The garage often seems to be the “catch all” for everything, so it’s easy for it to get cluttered – fast.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone – every household is guilty of storing things in the garage that should go elsewhere.

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8 Clever Bathroom Storage Upcycling Ideas

In a small house, storage is at a premium, but if your storage solution can serve double duty, and triple duty if it’s repurposed! 

Not only do you have something useful when you’re done, but you’re giving a rescue item new life!

Think about it…why use dull plastic bins when you can create a unique DIY bathroom storage solution? 

If you are looking for ways to store things in the bath, here are some repurposed ideas for you. Your wallet, the planet, and your bathroom will all benefit from upcycling!

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How to Organize Your Chest Freezer…and Keep It That Way

How to Organize Your Chest Freezer...and Keep It That Way
Photo by Pixabay

While it may seem frightening staring down into the abyss that is your chest freezer, it will not get organized on its own. Fortunately, it’s not all that hard organizing your freezer, and it won’t break the bank either, which means it’s a perfect chore to tackle so you can make enough room for the holiday leftovers!

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10 Quick Tips for An Organized Home This Holiday Season

10 Quick Tips for An Organized Home This Holiday Season
Photo by Nicole Michalou from Pexels

Despite being a time of joy, the holidays can also be stressful for some people.

Generally speaking, the “holiday season”, as it is commonly known, lasts from Halloween to New Year’s Day, and when you take into account the decorations on the shelves of your local store right now, the “holiday season” can last for quite a long time.

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5 DIY Rotating Can Storage System Ideas for Your Kitchen Pantry

Isn’t it annoying to discover expired and dirty canned food hidden deep in your pantry shelf? The worst part is that you likely weren’t looking for it in the first place, right?

Even though canned foods are pantry essentials, organizing and keeping track of each one can be overwhelming.

If you’re struggling with following the “out with the old, in with the new” rule of pantry management, a rotating can storage system could be the solution.

Check out these helpful DIY canned food storage system solutions to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) dispenser dilemma.

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