4 Winter-Friendly Home Improvement Projects for Your Next Long Weekend

Who says a home improvement project has to last weeks?

If you can’t wait to get your hands dirty, remodeling your home, you don’t have to wait till spring…nor do you need to spend months working around dust and clutter.

In just a short time, you can transform your living space with these four easy and budget-friendly home improvement projects. Whether you are a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just looking for a quick way to refresh your home, these ideas are sure to inspire you.

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Creating a Home Gym for the New Year on a Budget

Getting healthy — and staying that way — requires regular, consistent exercise. If you struggle to get to the gym, it might be time to bring the gym to you. Working out at home eliminates the extra time in the car and makes fitness possible, even when the weather outside is frightful. But setting up a home fitness center can get expensive. New year, new you…same wallet? Here are 11 tips to help you create a home gym on a budget.

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The Power of Color: Benjamin Moore’s Paint of the Year and the Psychology of Design

Color is one of the most important elements of interior design. It can create a mood, set the tone for our homes, and even influence our emotions. 

Blue Nova, Benjamin Moore’s Color of the Year for 2024, is a beautiful blend of blue and violet that will suit any room in your home.

“Blue Nova 825 is an alluring mid-tone that balances depth and intrigue with classic appeal and reassurance,” shared color marketing and development director at Benjamin Moore, Andrea Magno. 

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