Common Red Flags to Look for When Hiring a Landscaper

If you’re hiring a landscaper for your home, how can you be sure that the one you’re considering knows what they’re doing and will deliver the desired results?

The right landscaper can transform your yard, but the wrong one could cost you more in terms of money, time, and frustration.

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7 Budget-Friendly Summer Updates for Curb Appeal

It always feels good to update your home’s curb appeal, whether you’re doing it for yourself or because you’re getting ready to sell. With a little creativity, you don’t even have to pay for expensive landscaping. In fact, you can update the exterior of your home and your front yard on a budget. Here are seven simple ideas.

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7 Tips to Make Your Lawn Look Bigger

Like it or not, lawn care and maintenance are often part of the homeownership experience. A small lawn or yard space can be a blessing in disguise, though. Less space means less upkeep, but it introduces some design challenges, too.

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The No Lawn Movement: Is it Right for You?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Your lawn is an inescapable part of your home’s “curb appeal”. Like it or not, its appearance will shape the opinion of prospective home buyers, your neighbors, and, not to forget, your HOA or other interested parties.

Recently, a Reddit user shared what they are doing with their own lawn, posting the following, along with an image of their yard.

Can’t wait for spring!! Going to expand quite a bit this year, including making the pollinator garden 50% larger if I have enough energy. The goal is to reduce the lawn by another 800 sq ft or so this year.” 

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Your Go-To Spring Lawn Maintenance Checklist

Spring is a time of renewal, and that also extends to your lawn. After a long, cold winter, your yard is bound to need some upkeep if you want it to look its best.

Nearly 20% of homeowners say yard work is more expensive than they initially expected, which is all the more reason to stay diligent when it comes to consistent upkeep. Regular maintenance will reduce the likelihood of costly projects down the line, help maintain excellent curb appeal, and get potential buyers interested if you’re thinking about selling your home.

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