9 Tips to Extend the Life of your Mattress

When you sleep for one-third of your life, you probably spend a lot of that time on a mattress. In addition to the type and quality of materials used for the construction of your mattress, how you treat it over time will play a significant role in its lifespan.

Innerspring mattresses should typically last seven to ten years, while higher-quality foam beds may last up to fifteen. Since hybrid mattresses combine coils and foam, their lifespan should fall somewhere in the middle of that range. However, this will largely depend on how durable the materials and construction are.

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Top 5 Benefits from Using Firm Mattresses for Your Body

Top 5 Benefits from Using Firm Mattresses for Your Body
Source: https://www.pexels.com/pt-br/foto/andar-arvores-cama-casa-775219/

Buying a mattress is one of the most critical choices you’ll make. Getting the right one can make a huge difference in your sleep quality, and adequate rest is essential to maintaining your health.

Firm mattresses are especially recommended for the way they support your body during sleep. You can avoid back and neck pain with The Best Firm Mattresses 2020, According to Experts | Health.com

How to Buy the Best Mattress for the Best Sleep

Buy the Best MattressGetting a good night’s sleep is so important to the overall health of all humans! We have shared advice on room colors and room temperatures, now let’s talk about mattresses. A bed is an opportunity for anyone to recharge in order to start the next day. With a great night’s Read More

Sleep is Critical for Healthy Living


Sleep is such a vital part of our health. There are so many distractions and stresses in life that can limit our sleep ability and quality. One thing to keep in mind is how your bed impacts your sleep. It is recommended that you change your mattresses every 7 – 10 years. Another way to see if your mattress is ready to be replaced is to see if it can stand up against a wall.  If your bed sags or bends, then it might be time for a new mattress.  Read More