10 Towel Organization Ideas for Tiny Bathrooms

Finding space for everything you need in a small bathroom can be challenging. Limited space and storage can make towel organization challenging.

We’ve compiled a list of ingenious towel organization ideas that work well in compact bathrooms. From using vertical space to cleverly integrating storage into existing furniture, these solutions are designed to maximize space without sacrificing style or functionality.

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Trends in Those that Hire Professional Organizers

Do you feel like your home needs some help because you have crowded areas like drawers and closets? With the new year, are you considering some organizational techniques for your home? Maybe you are considering decluttering or refreshing your space resulting in out with the old and in with the new. It turns out that StorageCafe decided to conduct a study on who is the most likely to use professional organizers to help organize their home.

Here are their findings.

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6 DIY Home Storage Projects to Declutter Your Space This Summer

Spring is generally touted as the perfect month for cleaning and resetting your home. But summer is usually when we’re using our spaces most — whether we’re off from work and enjoying a staycation or having friends over for parties or outdoor barbecues. That makes summer the perfect time to finally declutter and downsize your space.

If you struggle to keep your home clean, the problem might not be your habits — it may be that you have more stuff than you’re able to keep up with. Keeping your house looking flawless means you need to have a set space to store every item you own. And if you don’t, it may be time to scale back. This will make maintaining your home easier and make it simpler to sell your house (if you decide to) later on.

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