This is a beautiful time of year for weddings. Hosting a backyard wedding is a very personal experience. A backyard wedding can also provide cost less than a traditional wedding. One thing to keep in mind when hosting a backyard wedding is you still need execute on all the details to make sure your event goes off Read More
Should you Buy a Fixer Upper Infographic
When it comes to buying homes, some people like to consider buying a fixer upper that they can update themselves. Before you decide that a fixer upper is a choice for you, this infographic from Credit Sesame and Column 5 helps you decide whether a fixer upper home is right for you. It takes into consideration time, budget and home improvement experience. Budget can be a major factor when buying a home that needs a lot of repairs and potentially a complete overhaul. Budgets can easily get out of control Read More
Home Improvement Projects, What I like, Versus What I can Afford

Another age old conundrum with home improvement projects is the trade off of what I like versus what I can afford. Everyone struggles with this reality where finances and costs are pulling one side of your brain, versus the emotional trigger of I really want and like “this” to be a part of my project.
One method in helping resolve this debate in your head, or worse yet with your spouse, is to have developed a detailed budget for each item in your project. As an example, you might have a patio project that includes 10 key items like the following. Read More
Home Offices for Better Productivity

Did you know that 59% of prospective home buyers want a home office in their next home. Home offices are great rooms that allow you to work from home if your job allows, conduct your personal home business in a quiet environment and also allows your students to study if necessary.
What to consider?
When designing your home office keep a couple of things in mind. How many people in your family will use this office? What will the purpose of its use be? What furniture will you require? Will you require multiple work stations or desks or will your require a small conference area to Read More
Porches for Home Entertainment
It is that time of year! Get the porch ready! With a recent visit to the Southern US, we were inspired by the antebellum houses and porches.
Porches offer great ways to relax, entertain and enjoy a sunset. Whether you have a small porch or a grand one. Leverage furniture that allows people to move around safely and adds appeal to the area. Read More