Getting Ready for a Party, How Do I Store Alcohol?

Store AlcoholTo refrigerate, freeze or not? A question often associated with storing alcohol. Most alcohol can be stored at room temperature and still taste wonderful. In fact, most liquors have a high alcohol content which enables them to be drinkable for long periods of time. This pertains to alcohol but not wine. Wine requires more careful temperature management and has a drink by date depending on the type of wine you purchased. Some alcohol is impacted more by light than temperature. For instance, whiskey prefers a dark room at room temperature to preserve its properties.  Read More

5 Appliances to Take from Dull to Sparkling

Helpful-Home-Cleaning-TipsRegular cleaning is something we must all do to keep a healthy and functioning home. But often, we forget about all the appliances we have and how to give them a bit of a deep clean to help them really sparkle. Here are five appliances that you can make sparkle with some simple cleaning tips.  Read More

The Cost of the 5 Common Winter Home Repairs

winter-670314_640Guest Blogger: Yuka Kato

The winter months can take a toll on your home. Between the cold weather driving people to stay indoors and run the heat, and the elements wearing out surfaces in and around your home, most homeowners find that there are many home repairs to be made in the winter. Whether you need to fix appliances that give out due to heavy use, or you need to seal up your home, take steps to make sure you’re ready for whatever winter throws at you. Read More

The Top 3 Values of Simple Home Air Filters

 Air FiltersAir filters are these simple and low cost items that provide a big bang in value to a home. Air filters need changing between three and four times a year. If you live in a very dusty area or have a lot of pets, you may want to consider changing your air filters more frequently. But what’s the big deal about these air filters anyway? Why do they make a big impact on a home? And what would happen if someone forgets to change the air filters? Here are some tips that can help every one understand the value of air filters. And what they do for your home and your home’s equipment. Read More