Home Maintenance Tip: Prune trees and shrubs

cutting of an apple treeIf you can see your trees and you are not blasted with snow or ice, it is a good time to trim your trees for spring and summer growth. Trimming your trees can help give them life in spring with fuller leaves and fruit.  It is also wise to trim trees and shrubs that are especially close to a home. Overgrown trees and shrubs can damage the exterior of your home. During storms throughout the year, trees and shrubs can bang, scratch and damage the exterior of your home. Damage to exterior walls, gutters, roofs, and even windows can occur during any Read More

Maintenance Tip: Check Roof and Gutters for Ice Dams

HomeZada Ice DamsThere has a been a lot of snow across parts of the United States this year and living in climates where there is snow and temperatures that get below freezing can cause different risks to our home. Ice Dams are some of the risks that can occur during cold temperatures.  Ice dams form on your gutters and roof and generally occur after heavy snowfall followed by really cold temperatures. Ice dams that build up can cause serious damage including destroying gutters and eaves which ultimately can cause water leaks in your home’s exterior walls or attic. Making sure your walls are protected will prevent ineffective insulation and thus increased utility bills and mold and mildew problems which can lead to damage, rot or an unhealthy environment. It is important to be diligent and prevent them Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Sprinkle sand or salt for traction

HomeZada Home Maintenance Sprinkle Sand or Salt for TractionWell with all the snow hitting various parts of the United States this week, we wanted to remind those living in cold weather climates to protect themselves during snow storms. When snow and ice form on your driveways and walkways during the winter, after removing the snow using shovels, snow blowers or plows, remember to sprinkle sand or salt on these areas to help further eliminate the snow and ice.

Black ice and other thin layers of ice are an extreme Read More

How to Choose the Best Outdoor Furniture for Winter

Winter Weather Maryland- Outdoor FurnitureJust because the temperatures are dropping doesn’t mean you have to stop using your home’s outdoor space. These cooler winter months can actually bring ample opportunities for getting outside and spending time with loved ones. In winter, as throughout the rest of the year, you need outdoor furniture that can withstand precipitation and changing temperatures. With that in mind, Read More

Home Maintenance Tip: Check Air Ducts In The Attic

Check Air DuctsGetting the air heat delivered via your HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems to your actual living spaces involves several parts of a HVAC system. One part is the large rectangular duct work in your attic that helps to deliver hot or cold air. This is one part of your HVAC system. Sometimes the air that gets forced through these ducts can leak out through loose or broken connections. This is a great time to conduct home maintenance and check to make sure no air is leaking from this duct work. If it is, you are wasting money as the hot or cold air is not being delivered to the living areas of your home and Read More