How to Keep Your Fireplace in Tip-Top Shape This Winter

How to Keep Your Fireplace in Tip-Top Shape This WinterNothing beats relaxing and reading a book by the fireside. But before you snuggle up and enjoy the comforting crackle of a fire this winter, make sure your fireplace is safe.

Four out of five fire-related deaths occur in the home. What’s more, 33 percent of house fires are caused by unkempt fireplaces and chimneys. That’s why it’s vital to make sure your chimney is clear and that you properly tend to your fireplace — your family’s safety depends on it. Nothing is worse than a home that is expected to be cozy but instead is on fire because of the lack of care of the home. Home maintenance is key to keeping a home safe, healthy and efficient for the entire family.

In this article, Elizabeth Dodson, cofounder of HomeZada, discusses the importance of maintaining a fireplace and provides tips you can use to make sure your fireplace is safe this winter. We hope you have a cozy and delightful winter.

Home Maintenance Tip: Insulate Outdoor Pipes

HomeZada Maintenance Tip Insulate Outdoor Pipes

In climates where the temperature drops below freezing, it is important to insulate outdoor pipes for either the home or the landscape irrigation system. Forgetting to insulate outdoor pipes can lead to pipes that can burst and valves that can break due to severely cold temperatures. Insulating outdoor pipes can prevent damage to your home and the plumbing systems during the difficult winter season. The worst thing that can happen is a pipe burst during Read More

Maintenance Tip: Inspect Washing Machine Hoses

Inspect Washing Machine Hoses Your washing machine has hoses that connect for both hot and cold water. During the years of use, these rubber hoses can wear out over time due to high water pressure and vibration.  To inspect washing machine hoses is a great maintenance tip to see if there is any bulging or softening in the hose. This is also a simple maintenance tip that can be done in a few minutes.

Because a broken washing machine hose can cause a lot of water damage given the volume and pressure of water in these hoses. A quick review of the hoses is simple, however to replace the hoses will take more time than a few minutes. There is also a drainage hose that should be

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HomeZada Home Maintenance Tip: Inspect Your Electrical Systems

HomeZada Inspect Your Electrical Systems

The power to your home and the electrical systems inside are critical to your home operating smoothly and effectively. Think about the last time the power went out and how everything shut down. Inspect your electrical systems regularly to insure that your systems are working properly. Read More

4 Tips to Spring into Summer Cleaning

Summer Cleaning

Spring Cleaning is something we do not all look forward to, but we are able to clean the cobwebs away after being cooped up all winter. Now that your spring cleaning is nearly complete, here are some tips on continuing your tasks into summer cleaning while still having a grand summertime with your family.  Read More