Tips on Cooling Your Home Without Using your AC

Cooling Your HomeWe are in the midst of summer and the heat is upon us. This is the time of year that the air conditioner is on full blast and the electric bill is increasing. What are we to do?  Increasing expenses versus being comfortable. These tips can help you keep your home cool without even using your AC (air conditioner). Read More

The Beginner’s Guide to Bulb Gardening

Have you ever thought about starting your own garden? If not, now is the perfect time to give it some serious consideration! In addition to being one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and improve your mood. Gardening can be a fantastic creative outlet for homeowners to engage. Planting a flower garden is also a great way to add color and vibrance to your home. This color can be added in a way that is sustainable, natural, and leaves you with a sense of pride and accomplishment. You’ll also have a steady supply of flowers to bring with you when you visit friends and family!  Read More

3 Tips to Declutter Family Spaces

Declutter Family Spaces

Kids birthdays have come and gone, and so has Christmas. Well-meaning friends and family have blessed your family with all sorts of items. It’s been a busy school year and it was easier to purchase items than find them at home. Read More

The Value of a Home Inventory, Take One Today

home inventoryHave you ever wondered where certain items were in your home? Ever thought that you might have the same item and you purchased another one just like it? Not knowing where items are in your home can lead to a disorganized home life. It can also end up costing your more money. This is because you are constantly replacing what you cannot find with a duplicate item. Read More

24 Great Storage Hacks to Get More Space out of Your Home

When it comes to your home, do you ever think of what you can do to maximize space?  Well people with very small homes and apartments are doubly challenged. As they often are at a loss for storage space. These simple suggestions and storage hacks can make a world of difference with more unique ways to find storage in your home. Leveraging walls, doors and unique cabinet storage to create the necessary room for your things can be seen here in this infographic. Read More