Hotels are leveraging some great design elements and many people are looking to incorporate some of these design elements and products in their own home. Here are some hotel style elements that can help consider bringing this design into your home. Read More
Pets are so an integral part of a family and yet homeowners’ furry family members come in a variety of animals. From dogs and cats to hamsters and birds, from snakes and iguanas to fish and turtles, these animals Read More
A visit to the National Home Builders Association/International Builders Show in Las Vegas showed us some key trends for homebuilding and remodeling. Read More
Freshly painted rooms done in the right color and finished like a professional was hired can make a huge difference in both your home value and how you feel about your home.
This article will give you the basic ideas of how to paint a room and wall painting secrets after you have chosen your color to get great results. For more help on wall painting secrets read my article titled, How to Pick Paint Colors Like A Designer @Home Information Guru.comRead More
It is the New Year and one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to get in better shape. What do you do when you need to manage the update of in home fitness rooms?
First, you need to identify a space in your home that will support your fitness needs. Then you will need to understand the equipment you have or would like to purchase. Measuring your equipment to fit your rooms will be important. Establishing a specific set of space around the equipment is also important. If your space can only hold your equipment you risk not being effective with your new fitness regimen. To gain the most effectiveness from your workouts, Read More