Tips on Cooling Your Home Without Using your AC

Cooling Your HomeWe are in the midst of summer and the heat is upon us. This is the time of year that the air conditioner is on full blast and the electric bill is increasing. What are we to do?  Increasing expenses versus being comfortable. These tips can help you keep your home cool without even using your AC (air conditioner). Read More

4 Quick Summer Home Maintenance Tips

HomeZada Inspect the Fence Around the PoolWith plenty of barbecues and pool parties in the near future you know you need to start your summer home maintenance projects. But you just don’t know where to start. HomeZada knows that there are a number of home maintenance tasks to do this summer. All of these tasks will keep your home running efficiently, keep your family safe, plus maintain the value of your home. Here are four simple home maintenance tips for summer. Read More

Curvalicious Bathroom Trends

Bathroom TrendsGuest Blogger: Derek Lotts

There are practically dozens of ways a bathroom can be designed, from simple and strict looking ones to futuristically designed ones as choices and bathroom trends continually change. This time a type of design that is based on curved bathroom elements is going to be discussed, with a focus on every single segment of bathroom that needs to be covered in detail in order to fully implement the initial idea. Therefore, with circles, rounded edges and ovals in mind, with all their varieties, we are ready to go. Read More

8 Quick and Simple Tips to Sell Your Home Faster

Sell Your Home FasterOver 5 million homes were sold in the United States last year. But, not every seller was able to secure the original listing price or took a long time to sell their home. Preparing your home for sale can be a bit involved, however there are a few steps any homeowner can take to help streamline the process and possibly even sell your home faster without spending a fortune on updating or drastically reducing their sale price. The following tips any homeowner can follow when readying their home for a sale. Read More

Stand Up To Natural Disasters with Free Online Preparedness Tools

HomeZada Preparedness - Natural DisastersWe are excited to announce the launch of our new national Home Preparedness initiative empowering homeowners to protect their homes and families against the unexpected. With an average of 25 natural disasters and catastrophes per year in the US alone, we see a definite need to help Americans across the country get prepared before it’s too late. To take action now!

Natural disasters throughout the US can take their toll with an average of $30 billion in property damage every year. Over 88% of all catastrophic loss in the US has been due to natural disasters that were unexpected like hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes and wildfires. According to a recent survey conducted by Harris Poll, 49% of Americans across the country do not feel prepared for the aftermath of such disasters. Now is the time to get prepared. Read More