Holiday Table Decorating Ideas

Holiday Table Decorating

This time of year gives us so many opportunities to be creative with our decorating. From decorating trees to windows, doors and so much more. When celebrating these holidays with your friends and family, it is nice to really show your creativity with a delightful table setting. Holiday table decorating is a fantastic way to celebrate your creativity.  Read More

What does Energy Star really mean?

It comes up often, how do appliances and home solutions secure an Energy Star ranking? And what is the value of Energy Star appliances and equipment to my home? A solution must meet minimum standards defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. The list of standards can be found here.  One of the standards listed is the ability to measure energy efficiency effectiveness. Another standard is that the products need to be labeled energy efficient.

The infographic below Read More

Part 3: More Favorite Things and Household Gifts

Many of you are already on your buying for the holidays but we wanted to give those who are not finished shopping some more options for more favorite things. And especially home inspired gifts. We will tackle the fitness and garage focused gifts for those health and fix it enthusiasts. We also Read More

Decorating with Nature

Decorating with Nature

This time of year brings a great feel of coziness and the wonder of the great outdoors. Using natural items that bring the outdoors inside can be a style that you may not have considered. Here are some helpful tips on how to decorating with nature in your home. Read More