How to De-Clutter a House Full of Kids

De-clutterIt’s common knowledge that kids have short attention spans. This goes for holding a conversation with a kid, watching T.V. with a kid, going to a candy store with a kid, etc., but it also holds true at home. If you have ever seen multiple kids under the age of five playing in a living room, you’ll notice that none of them ever play with a toy for longer than 5 minutes. And what do they usually do when they are done playing with a toy they just got out? Drop it where they stand and play with the next toy that caught Read More

Should you Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional?

DIY projectThere are some obvious benefits to taking on a home project yourself rather than hiring it done by a professional, the main one being that it is often times a lot less expensive. However, before you tackle a project yourself you should be aware of the potential “hidden costs” of a DIY project. Here is a small list of things to consider when deciding whether to do a project yourself or hire a professional. Read More

A Tip for Organizing Your Children’s Christmas Presents

Organizing Your Children's Christmas PresentsIt’s well understood that with the holiday season, there can be some added stress. More spending than normal, ultra crowded malls, struggling to find the perfect gift, and more can really take a toll on a person. Although we can’t help you with the crowded mall situation, we do have a tip for organizing your children’s christmas presents that might save you from some stress.

If you have multiple kids that will be expecting everything on their Christmas list to be under the tree on Read More