When you secure homeowners insurance, you trust that your insurance agent is giving you the best policy based on information that you have provided them. Our insurance agents are not often invited to our homes to review the details of what we own and how we use our homes, so insurance agents are guessing about what you own and what the standard homeowner has in their home. You however, may not be an standard homeowner and may have collections or kids away at school with Read More
7 Tips for Pool Safety
It is summer and with summer comes outdoor activities like swimming in pools. Swimming pools are great sources of exercise, family gatherings and generally enjoyment. However, swimming pools are potential hazards in any home if proper pool safety is not practiced.
The Centers for Disease Control report that here in the United States, on average, 3,536 people died from drowning annually from 2005 to 2014, which equates to 10 deaths each day. These are astounding numbers as most homeowners use their pools for approximately 4 months which results closer to over 29 deaths per day of swimming pool use. It is also important to know that most of the deaths were children.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that an average of 4,900 people received emergency care for injuries suffered in a swimming pools or spas each year from 2011 – 2013.
There are some simple tips to remember with pool safety. Read More
Closing Out a Home Improvement Project
When your home improvement project is done, crack open your libation of choice and enjoy it! Share it with family and friends. You worked hard at putting it all together, you might as well celebrate a little, or a lot depending on the home improvement project and the details of the project. Read More
Backyard Wedding: What you need to do to Prepare For Them
This is a beautiful time of year for weddings. Hosting a backyard wedding is a very personal experience. A backyard wedding can also provide cost less than a traditional wedding. One thing to keep in mind when hosting a backyard wedding is you still need execute on all the details to make sure your event goes off Read More
Should you Buy a Fixer Upper Infographic
When it comes to buying homes, some people like to consider buying a fixer upper that they can update themselves. Before you decide that a fixer upper is a choice for you, this infographic from Credit Sesame and Column 5 helps you decide whether a fixer upper home is right for you. It takes into consideration time, budget and home improvement experience. Budget can be a major factor when buying a home that needs a lot of repairs and potentially a complete overhaul. Budgets can easily get out of control Read More