Make Better Decisions by Becoming the CEO of your Home

Your home is one of your largest assets.  And your home needs a lot of care and understanding in order to maintain its value. As it’s primary care giver or CEO of your home, are you really aware of what is going on in your home?  Are you aware of what your are spending on home improvement projects? Are you up to date on your home maintenance and what it is you need to do to take care of your home? How about documenting what you have in your home? Do you know what you own or will you need to recall everything
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Which comes first, Design or Product Selection?

product selection

This is an age old question, which comes first, design or product selection. That probably ultimately depends on your approach, and the type of home remodeling project you are undertaking. Below are examples of how one can come before the other, and a third example where they are happening simultaneously.

With larger and more complex projects, the design usually comes before the product selection phase.  A good example is a kitchen remodel, which is one of the more complicated projects.  You really need to design the layout of the new kitchen and the overall style and look of the Read More

Where you live matters … how far does your real estate dollar go?

How far does your real estate dollar go? Do you know what the average price of an average home is in the US? Do you live in a state or region that has a higher housing value than other regions? How do you compare housing prices? Gaining knowledge of this information can help you understand how far your real estate dollar goes when you are looking to buy a home and which location to buy a home. Take into consideration the size of your home and your living experience today and for the near future. If you are growing your family, you definitely want to consider the size of home. Learn more from Coldwell Banker with this infographic about how far your real estate dollar will go and in what region.  Read More

Design applies to all projects, big or small

Design applies to all projects

The word “design” in context of home improvement projects is often misunderstood.  Part of the reason is that the level of detail with a “design” can vary dramatically depending on the size and complexity of a project. However, design applies to all projects and let’s define the word “design” in context of different kinds of home remodeling projects.

A window covering project, you have a bedroom that has windows that need to have some covering because of privacy or light issues. If you are deciding between blinds and curtains, choosing one over the other is essentially picking a design. Let’s say you want blinds. The next aspect of the design is the dimensions of the window, which could be 36” x 24”. You have completed your design for this project yourself, and you can write it down on a piece of paper. Read More