3 Tips to Declutter Family Spaces

Declutter Family Spaces

Kids birthdays have come and gone, and so has Christmas. Well-meaning friends and family have blessed your family with all sorts of items. It’s been a busy school year and it was easier to purchase items than find them at home. Read More

Spring Maintenance Tips Guide to Decluttering the Home

Spring Maintenance Tips Guide to Decluttering the HomeGuest Blogger:  Jenni Dusina

Spring is a time of renewal and provides a fresh start to home organization. It’s the perfect time to do a quick run through of your things to evaluate what stays and what goes. But where do you start after a long cold (cluttered) winter? Here are a few high traffic areas you should take on first:


  • Edit your wardrobe: time to switch out your wardrobe for spring. As you pack away sweaters and boots, ask yourself what should stay and what should go. The general rule is if you haven’t worn an item in more than three months, it’s time to donate the item to someone who will.
  • Flex your storage: if you’re dealing with stationary shelves that dictate where to store clothes and shoes, you’re probably wasting valuable space. Adjustable shelves allow you to change them around items being stored.
  • Protect seasonal clothes in airtight containers. Store them in a guest closet, basement or attic until next season. If you don’t have extra space, store them in containers below the bed or on top shelves in your closet.

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Saving Money while Decluttering

Save money declutteringIt is National Cleaning Week and while you are getting organized cleaning and decluttering your home, some great opportunities exist to help you actually save money. Saving money while decluttering can be a happy place for a lot of people, not to mention freeing the mind from so many fun things.  Read More