Common Red Flags to Look for When Hiring a Landscaper

If you’re hiring a landscaper for your home, how can you be sure that the one you’re considering knows what they’re doing and will deliver the desired results?

The right landscaper can transform your yard, but the wrong one could cost you more in terms of money, time, and frustration.

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How to Create an Indoor Garden Space for Relaxation

Are you looking to boost your relaxation level inside your home while adding a pop of greenery? As you may already know, indoor gardens are an excellent way to help keep your stress levels low, while breathing new life into your home.

The good news is that you don’t need a green thumb to set up a successful indoor garden. You just need the right plants, the right space, and a little bit of dedication to bring your dream indoor green space to life. Here’s how to get started.

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Outdoor Pest Control: 7 Tips to Healthier Plants

Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash

If you love watching green things grow it can be frustrating watching them get taken out by pesky invaders. One unwelcome destructive insect can quickly turn your green paradise into a battleground. 

These tiny invaders can wreak havoc on our plants, damaging their leaves, stems, and even killing them. Fortunately, there are a number of ways we can rid ourselves of these pests, so read on to learn more.

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12 Creative Ideas for a Summer Garden Makeover

Now that summer is in full swing, it’s a great time to make over your garden. Whether you own your home or rent, here are twelve creative ideas to make your space truly stand out.

Purchase colorful planters

Sure, modern black planters can be beautiful. However, summer brings to mind bright colors and whimsical decor. You can purchase planters in bright colors like pink, turquoise, or yellow. Also, consider buying several different sizes and arranging them throughout your garden to bring some vibrancy and variation to your outdoor space.

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The No Lawn Movement: Is it Right for You?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Your lawn is an inescapable part of your home’s “curb appeal”. Like it or not, its appearance will shape the opinion of prospective home buyers, your neighbors, and, not to forget, your HOA or other interested parties.

Recently, a Reddit user shared what they are doing with their own lawn, posting the following, along with an image of their yard.

Can’t wait for spring!! Going to expand quite a bit this year, including making the pollinator garden 50% larger if I have enough energy. The goal is to reduce the lawn by another 800 sq ft or so this year.” 

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