How to Grinch-Proof Your Christmas Decorations

How to Grinch-Proof Your Christmas Decorations Yes, Christmas is coming, no need to fight it. 

There’s no time to waste to make sure we’re delighted.

But what of the lights…and who’ll hang the holly? 

There’s lots to be done to make sure all are jolly. 

And then there’s the tree, the wreath with its bows…

They’ll need to be placed, all neatly in rows.

It’s time to get started, to hang all with care,

But this year, this time, without pulling your hair!

Okay, okay…it’s no Dr. Seuss…but we’ll still need to hang those beautiful decorations! Only this time, minus the drama!

Use the following Christmas decoration hacks to make decorating your home go more smoothly. Read More

How to Save Money on Your Next Holiday Party

The holidays can be stressful. 

Add preparations for entertaining to your already full schedule, mix them with the unique cocktail of emotions and family dynamics that are brought front and center this time of year, and soon you’re stocking up on antacids as you wait for the season to end. Read More

13 Last Minute Table Decorating Tips

13 Last Minute Table Decorating TipsWe have our menus and everyone is bringing their dishes. It is the holidays and we are excited to share meals with our family and friends. But these holidays are special, so what can we do to get our table quickly decorated because it skipped our minds.  Read More

How to Set Up Your Home for Entertaining

EntertainingHave you ever wondered why everyone always congregates in a kitchen for parties? This is one of the funniest things to watch crowds of people squeeze around a tiny island and while opening an oven or refrigerator door becomes a method in collision avoidance. With the holidays in full swing, cocktail parties, family gatherings and dinners become popular events. Who hosts may rotate around different people or family members. Now it’s your turn and you want to avoid the kitchen clusters. Here are a few tips on how to set up your home for entertaining. Read More

5 Holiday Tips To Get In The Holiday Spirit

holiday tipsThe holidays are here and full swing! But maybe you are having some trouble getting festive! The holidays can sometimes bring on a lot of stress. As a result, this stress may prevent us from really getting into the holiday spirit. So let’s take a look at some ways to really jump into the holiday spirit but making a few adjustments to your home.  These holiday tips will make life a bit less stressful during this season.  Read More