8 Creative, Easy (and Cheap) Table Runners for Any Home

8 Creative, Easy (and Cheap) Table Runners for Any Home

If historians are correct, then the concept of table runners began in the middle ages, originally as a means of protecting tablecloths from sloppy diners.

Which meant a lot less work for the already frazzled housekeeping staff!

Imagine…when you use a table runner, you could be carrying on an ancient tradition, following in the footsteps of Anne Boleyn or Henry VIII…

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Choosing a Decorating Aesthetic

Choosing a Decorating Aesthetic

Redecorating is always a fun prospect. For many people, all this entails is a small furniture shuffle and a bucket of paint. However, there are many more ways to explore a home creatively. Rather than choosing a single paint color, dig deeper into your options. The perfect aesthetic is out there, waiting to be discovered.

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7 Outdoor Holiday Lighting Tips

Outdoor Christmas lights can light up your home – and your mood – for the holidays, but they can also pose a risk if basic precautions are ignored.

Each year, fires caused from electrical issues result in millions of dollars worth of damage, not to mention the death that can very often occur.

And while outdoor displays aren’t nearly as combustible as Christmas trees can be, it’s still important to follow some basic guidelines to minimize the risk of fire from outdoor Christmas lights.

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Tips for Choosing the Right Decor for Your Home

Tips for Choosing the Right Decor for Your Home
Image courtesy: Blake Woolwine on Unsplash

Choosing the right home decor is highly specific to every individual, and often, our home decor will change at different stages of our lives.

For example, hand-me-down couches from our parents and our grandparents’ bed and dresser set might have worked well right out of college, but as a new homeowner you’re probably considering making some changes.

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10 DIY Craft Table Ideas for Every Budget

10 DIY Craft Table Ideas for Every Budget
Image courtesy: Sigmund on Unsplash

What crafter hasn’t purchased something – or perhaps a lot of “somethings” – that they already had, just because their craft area was spread across several different closets and/or under the bed in those ugly plastic storage totes?

Or is that just me?

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