Let’s face it, doing the little home maintenance tasks around the home are not on top of most people’s fun things to do on the weekend. But with your home being your largest asset, it is important for a number of reasons to stay up to date on these tasks. Read More
Dirtiest Places in Your House … Time to Get Cleaning
So often we forget to clean some of the simplest, but the dirtiest places in the home. Germs, grime and dirt can be found in a lot of inconspicuous areas of the home. Without proper cleaning, these germs can lead to illness of family members or transferring the dirt from one area and to another area. Let’s look at some of the dirty areas in your home and how best to get them clean.
Light switches
That is right! Many people forget to wipe down light switches because they under estimate the use of the switches. However, people coming and going, turning on and off lights and with what kinds of hands could lead to who knows what kind of dirt. Not to mention, dirty hands lead ugly light switches on nice beautiful walls. Read More
Prepping Your House for Market: 5 Areas That Will Make or Break Your Home Inspection

You have butterflies in your stomach. You can’t decide which perfume to use — flowery and feminine or bold so he knows you mean business. Should you start in the kitchen or go straight upstairs? And should you tell him about that thing in the attic?
You have a date with a house inspector, and you can’t back out now.
Home Inspection
A home inspection is a crucial step in putting your house on the market. Buyers need to collect as much information about the property as possible to be sure they’re investing wisely. And for sellers, a poor prognosis can mean the difference between an easy sale and a long list of costly repairs.
A successful inspection boils down to these five priority areas: … more
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The Space Savers Encyclopedia Infographic
Every now and then we all need help with de-cluttering our homes. When de-cluttering, we often need to identify what to throw out and what to keep? This can be challenging if we love all of our items. But once we decide on what to keep, we need to determine where they go in our homes. There are always great ways to create space savers. Once the decision has been made to remove items, donating or selling the items will help make room for the items being kept.
Storage Tips
Space savers are always important to storing items. How do we work more efficiently in our home with items that have dual solutions or can be stored in unique places? These questions and more are answered in the following infographic from FlexiSpace. The know about storage and work space areas, because it is their core business and what they do best. Take a look at this infographic for some more tips on what to do with the items you have and help define the items that may be sent away. Read More
Home Maintenance Tip: Inspect Roof
Summer is the perfect time to inspect your roofs. During the summer, you generally have good weather which makes it safer to climb on ladders and walk the roof. Summer also is the time of year when roofing companies are less busy. So you can get a good rate on using a service company for inspections. Roofs can be damaged by various elements including high winds, heavy snowfalls, tree branches, debris from storms. And if you need to climb on your roof, walking on it could cause damage. Read More