Buying a new home can be challenging however, with these tips your process of buying a new home much easier.
Buying a new home can be challenging however, with these tips your process of buying a new home much easier.
Your home is one of your largest assets. And your home needs a lot of care and understanding in order to maintain its value. As it’s primary care giver or CEO of your home, are you really aware of what is going on in your home? Are you aware of what your are spending on home improvement projects? Are you up to date on your home maintenance and what it is you need to do to take care of your home? How about documenting what you have in your home? Do you know what you own or will you need to recall everything
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This is an age old question, which comes first, design or product selection. That probably ultimately depends on your approach, and the type of home remodeling project you are undertaking. Below are examples of how one can come before the other, and a third example where they are happening simultaneously.
With larger and more complex projects, the design usually comes before the product selection phase. A good example is a kitchen remodel, which is one of the more complicated projects. You really need to design the layout of the new kitchen and the overall style and look of the Read More
A bathroom remodel is a larger home remodel project than our previous example of replacing the carpet in a room and requires more planning. But our six key elements of home project management are still applicable with a bigger project. Let’s take a look at how each one applies with the assumption that our bathroom remodel is keeping all the wall locations the same and the plumbing hook-ups in the same spot. Read More
There are six elements to every home project to consider when it comes to moving forward with a project. Since we know that all projects are not equal in size or scope, the most important elements are probably different depending on what the project is. Here are the six elements for every home project to consider before getting started on your project. Read More