Benefits of Industrial Lighting in Your Garage

Benefits of Industrial Lighting in Your Garage

Industrial lighting is well-known for its toughness and reliability. However, many people are still unwilling to put these lighting systems in their homes, even with these desirable characteristics. Many are reluctant even to consider this type of lighting array in their homes’ backyards and garages, whether due to the industrial label or the unfamiliar LED installation process. To clear up this anxiety, here are the majorbenefits of industrial lighting in your garage.

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7 Smart Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Fall

7 Smart Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Fall
Photo by La Miko from Pexels

You might not live in a snowy area, but winter’s colder, wetter weather can be hard on your home. Not to mention the impact of higher heating bills on your wallet!

Now’s the time to start on those fall home improvement projects that will keep your house safe and comfortable during the cold months ahead.

Here are the best home improvement projects to tackle this fall.

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What To Know About Changing Doors and Windows

What To Know About Changing Doors and Windows

You can say that you don’t care how long your grass gets since you can easily trim upon moving out. However, the two most important parts of your home are your doors and windows. It might be hard to believe, but if they don’t match, look frightening, or sit in odd positions, you won’t have many people coming to see your home. There’s even a chance your doors or windows are weak and won’t shut out the elements from sneaking through cracks and holes. Here’s our quick, definitive guide on what to know about changing doors and windows.

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7 Steps to a Solar Powered Home

People switch to solar for a variety of reasons.

Besides generating electricity that is completely pollution-free, solar has a full life-cycle pollutant level that is much lower than any fossil fuel (after accounting for manufacturing and the rest of the supply chain). 

By generating your own electricity, you reduce your reliance on the utilities and protect yourself from future price increases. For those who are truly committed to being independent, they can add batteries to their homes and be disconnected from the grid.

Despite all these compelling reasons to go solar, there are some relatively easy and even free things you should do around your house first, before you invest heavily in solar panels. Some of these are obvious, but others are little vampires that you may not even realize are draining your energy and money.

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7 Great DIY Home Sauna Ideas

If you’ve ever spent time in a sauna, you know just how relaxing they can be, especially after a hard workout. Aside from the physical benefits, saunas have been shown to improve health as well.

Unfortunately, having one installed at home is a luxury that many people cannot afford. But what if you could build one yourself?

You can! Here are 7 creative home sauna designs to inspire your own DIY sauna project.:

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