5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a Weekend

5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a WeekendDid the home improvement bug bite you yet?

It can strike at any time, but this time of year it’s at a fever pitch. Home improvement stores are crowded with homeowners, lists in hand, searching for what they need to make their visions a reality. Read More

3 Things You Think Add Value to Your Home That Probably Don’t

3 Things You Think Add Value to Your Home That Probably Don'tReal estate markets are truly different everywhere you go, so what stands true for one area might not be the same for another. And when you add in timing – whether it’s a “buyer’s market” or a “seller’s market” – it gets that much more difficult to really know what will impact a home’s value. Read More

8 Steps For Starting Your Home Renovation

8 Steps For Starting Your Home RenovationPerhaps you’ve been thinking about changing your kitchen countertops for months. You might have been contemplating about changing the look of your living space. If you’ve been itching to change some things in your home, then perhaps it may be high time for a home renovation project. Read More