10 Winter Landscaping Ideas You Can Do Right Now!

Winter has its own unique beauty, but over time, the gloomy days and seemingly endless nights can wear on you. The longer it goes, the more you dream of long, warm summer nights and beautiful, bright colors all around.

If you’re feeling a bit of cabin fever, seeing nothing but gray and gloom around you for what feels like days on end, there’s something you can do about it. Right now!

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The Landscaping Features That Harm Your Home’s Value

The Landscaping Features That Harm Your Home’s Value

After improving the yard, go through one more time to ensure the lawn doesn’t have one of these landscaping features that harm your home’s value. Upon removal, the property value goes up, and you give homebuyers a chance to envision their future in every square inch of the house.

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Outdoor Pathways Gives a Backyard Character

Outdoor Pathways

Outdoor pathways are areas that help create a functional method of getting from different locations of your yard or around your home.  Outdoor pathways create a sense of direction for guests arriving at your home. They also provide access to areas that might be harder to reach without outdoor pathways. Read More