Tracking your Paint Colors in HomeZada

Ever wonder what that paint color was for your favorite room in your house? You have touch ups that you need to make to that favorite room, and you need the paint colors. You are digging through drawers, reaching behind shelves and crawling around your garage desperately trying to find your favorite paint color. Read More

It’s That Time of Year, 2017 Pantone Color of the Year … Greenery

2017 Pantone ColorThe Pantone organization is at it again and they have decided that 2017 is brighter than 2016. They offer us the color Greenery or 2017 Pantone color 15-0343. This is a fun, bright and almost neon style green. Why Greenery you ask? The Pantone organization states, “A symbolic color selection; a color snapshot of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude.” The stated that a feeling of hopefulness is in the air.

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Decorating with Green, Inspired by St Patrick’s Day

decorating with greenSt Patrick’s Day is here! So let’s talk decorating with green! Top selling paint colors sold are generally very neutral paint colors. However, muted greens always find their way as some of the top paint colors sold. Colors like mint or moss green are neutral but still give a homeowner a shade other than brown or taupe. Light shades of kelly green and wasabi are popular green shades that are added to a home.

Here are some ideas to consider when using the color green in your home. Read More

10 Tips you Need to Know about Painting

PaintingPainting a room, a hallway or a whole house can be a fun a project that can give a refresh to the space or change the design with a completely different color. Painting is a low cost and simple approach to redesigning or remodeling a space. There are simple tasks that you will need to perform prior to painting a space. These tips will help you understand Read More