Nothing beats relaxing and reading a book fireside. But before you snuggle up and enjoy the comforting crackle of a fire this winter, make sure your fireplace is safe.
Four out of five fire-related deaths occur in the home. What’s more, 33 percent of house fires are caused by unkempt fireplaces and chimneys. That’s why it’s vital to make sure your chimney is clear and that you properly tend to your fireplace — your family’s safety depends on it.
In this article, Elizabeth Dodson discusses the importance of maintaining a fireplace and provides tips you can use to make sure your fireplace is safe this winter.
Fire Statistics
According to the National Fire Protection Association, 4 out of 5 fire-related deaths occur in the home. House fires can be caused by a number of things. From pots and pans left unattended on the stove, to forgotten candles. And from indoor smoking and to unsafe fireplaces. In fact, the NFPA indicates that fireplaces and stoves with chimneys account for 33% of all house fires. Resulting in millions of dollars in property damage and an alarming number of casualties every year.
But there are easy ways to protect yourself, your family, and your property from those powerful sparks. Simply follow these 5 steps and you’ll be back to warming your toes in peace in no time: more