While you probably have an idea of what a home invasion looks like with a masked intruder entering your home, this isn’t always the case. Home invasions are rarely violent, and 11% of burglars remove a door or window quietly while the occupants are home. The reality is you’ll never know if or when you’ll become the target of a home invasion, so it’s best to always be proactive with your security.
1. Know the Mind of Burglar
One of the most effective ways to protect yourself against a home invasion is to actually walk in the shoes of a home intruder. No, we’re not recommending you become a thief yourself, but knowing a few things about how these thieves work will shed some insight on new ways to secure your home.
Once again, while many people assume burglaries happen at night when the sun’s down low, that’s the opposite of the truth. The majority of burglaries happen between 10 am and 3 pm when people are most likely to be at work. The location of your home can also make it more of a target. For instance, homes on the corner are easier to access, similar to ground-floor apartments. Knowing these things can help you make smarter decisions about your home.
2. Be Unpredictable
While investing in wireless alarm systems by Alarm Grid is a great first step, you also have to examine some of your habits. Are you a predictable person who follows the same routine each and every day? While that might help you get more done, you might become a target for thieves.
Repeating the same pattern every day increases your odds of a burglary. This is because you make it easier for thieves to predict where you are and what you’re doing at any time of the day, so they’ll know when you’re most vulnerable. When it comes to the best home security tips, you want to make sure you’re not too easy to predict. Work a flexible schedule or make sure there are eyes on your home at all times.
3. Be Careful on Social Media
Finally, one of the newest ways thieves are finding their latest victims is through social media. Thieves take to these platforms to find people who are either flaunting their belongings, sharing personal information about their homes, are advertising when they won’t be home.
While it might seem fun to share your vacation photos while you’re away, realize that that paints your home as vacant and vulnerable. The best thing you can do is lock down your privacy settings and err on the side of caution with your posts.
Preventing a home invasion wouldn’t need to happen in a perfect world, but unfortunately, it’s still a reality in every part of the country today. The best approach is a proactive approach. Be careful with what you’re displaying to the outside world, whether with your routine or your online posts. More importantly, take action to protect yourself before you think you need to.
About Author: Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches.