July 4th Trivia Tips Infographic

July 4th is almost here and trivia is top of mind. Did you know that three presidents died on July 4th and one president was born on this day. Thomas Jefferson was one of the presidents who died on this day. Americans like to spend their time at barbecues and watching fireworks. They also like to take vacations during this time of year. Another trivia question, how many colonies existed when independence was declared? In 1776, Americans declared its independence and yet many Americans are unaware of this date. Ask yourself from which country did the US declare independence. Here are some fun facts about the day and what big events happen during this Independence Day. Read More

Pre and Post Moving Home Inventory

Moving can be a very stressful time. Getting your possessions packed and ready to go while also figuring out what you need for your next home adds more to your move.  Determining what to keep and sell or donate adds more effort to moving. One thing that can help you when you do arrive at your new home, is to create an inventory. This inventory tracks the items you moved into your home called possessions.

Take Photos

Take photos and descriptions of your belongings to help you recall what you decided to move into your new home. These photos can also help you place the items in each area of your new home for easy unpacking. Taking a home inventory can also help you understand what you might need for the new home. It can also help you identify what new projects or design fun you would like conduct in the new home.

Track Details

Taking a home inventory can be as simple as taking photos or a video. Or you can add as much detail as you like. Details like make and model numbers while also tracking manuals. Using HomeZada to track your home inventory can be done by simply taking a video. This video can be uploaded it in the property documents section of HomeZada. Or you can take photos using your camera phones and the HomeZada app. Or you can add as many details to the description like make, model or even manufacturer of your possessions as you like. And tracking manuals and other hard copy documents now just became easier. By including the information in one central location, you now know where everything is. This gives you the ability to recycle all your unwanted paper.

Managing your home inventory, necessary information and documents about your home and it’s possessions in a cloud based solution like HomeZada can help you make your moving process more organized.

Clean Air Makes Living Good for All

clean air

It is that time of year, when germs start invading our homes. What can you do to create clean air during these times? Included are some tips that can help you maintain clean air in your home. Read More

Recovering from a Home Fire

Home FireMy name is Tami Traeden, I live in Portland Oregon. I recently heard about HomeZada and quickly checked out the website because I suffered from a home fire.

My interest was strong based on my experience in 2008.  My husband and I were both home on a Sunday afternoon in November. Our home was a 100 year old craftsman which was quite drafty so I used space heaters often. I was upstairs in my office when I noticed the space heater was not putting out warm air. So, I had moved it to a new outlet in the room so I could be closer to the project I was working on. I did not think much of it until about 30 minutes later the power went out. My husband came upstairs to talk to me before going to the basement to check on the breaker box, when he glanced out the window.

What he saw forever changed our lives. Read More