Sleep Hygiene: Creating a Restful Bedroom Environment

If you struggle with falling asleep — or staying asleep — at night, creating a peaceful bedroom environment can go a long way toward helping you get the rest you need.

Getting a good night’s sleep is all about forming new habits that benefit you. Start exercising, avoid coffee in the afternoon, create a sleep routine, and stay away from bright screens an hour or two before bed.

Decluttering your space and purchasing a few new items can also help you improve your sleep hygiene. Here are some steps to take to get better sleep.

Declutter your room

A messy room is stressful, and if you’re stressed, it can be hard to relax and fall asleep. Clutter on your dresser, bed, or the floor can be visually overwhelming. Take an hour and put everything back where it belongs. Wipe down your surfaces, make your bed, and pick up anything that might be on the floor. You’ll probably feel less stressed, and when it’s time to go to sleep, your room will be in a state that’s more conducive to sleep.

Install blackout curtains

There’s nothing more frustrating than being awoken from a deep sleep by sunlight streaming into your room. Blackout curtains can create a dark, peaceful space that will enable you to sleep long after the sun rises.

There are many different types of blackout curtains. Purchase ones that block the light fully. They might be expensive upfront, but being able to sleep in a dark room is worth it.

Lower the temperature

The ideal room temperature for a night of restful sleep is 65 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Sleep Foundation. This temperature enables you to stay cool even when you’re under the covers. The temperature might seem chilly to some, but being too hot at night can interrupt your sleep. Go ahead and lower your air conditioner temperature at night, and see if it helps.

Remove phones from your room

Smartphones are one of the biggest distractions in our lives. If you keep your smartphone by your bed at night, you likely know it can keep you awake. Between notifications, the bright light it emits, and the irresistible urge to scroll through social media, having your phone in your room can be one of the biggest sleep disruptors each night.

For uninterrupted sleep, place your phone outside your room at night. If you use it for an alarm, consider switching to an old-school alarm clock to wake you up instead. 

Add a white noise machine

Sometimes, it’s our thoughts and worries that keep us up at night. Soothing sounds — such as gently crashing waves, soft rain, or forest sounds — can help us turn off the parts of our brain that keep us awake with worries.

You can purchase a simple white noise machine and turn it on when it’s time to go to bed. Although there are numerous white noise apps for smartphones, keeping your phone out of your bedroom is a good way to create a restful bedroom environment.

Purchase quality bedding

Sleeping on scratchy sheets can contribute to a difficult night of sleep. Treating yourself to nice cotton bedding can help your bed to feel soft and welcoming. Luckily, there are many places to purchase affordable, quality bedding.

As a bonus, if you decide to sell your house in the future, having a beautiful bed with a nice comforter can help with staging and make your home look more expensive.

Use aromatherapy

There are certain essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, that can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. Put essential oils in a diffuser that fills the room with these calming scents. You can also purchase an essential oils spray to put on your pillows and sheets before bed. Once you make it a habit and start spraying these scents each night, your body will begin to recognize the smell as a cue to go to sleep.

Try a weighted blanket

If it’s hard for you to get comfortable at night, buying a weighted blanket could help. A weighted blanket mimics the feeling of a hug, which can help you feel secure and calm if you feel jumpy or anxious.

Create good air quality

It’s hard to sleep if you have poor, stale air full of dust mites that can aggravate allergies. Adding an air purifier or running a fan can help circulate air while you sleep.

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2 Responses to “Sleep Hygiene: Creating a Restful Bedroom Environment”

  1. Creating a restful bedroom environment is essential for quality sleep. Start by decluttering your space to promote relaxation. high speed internet and cable tv packages Opt for calming colors and soft lighting to create a soothing atmosphere. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to support your body. Limit screen time before bed and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Prioritize sleep hygiene for improved rest and overall well-being.

    • That is so true. Sleep is essential for overall health and the bedroom is your sanctuary.