Financially Plan All Your Future Remodel Projects

Financially Plan All Your Future Remodel Projects

There are different homeowner situations where it is important to financially plan all your future remodel projects. This process is when you list all your current and future remodel projects and establish budgets for the projects. This is regardless of whether you plan on hiring a contractor or doing-it-yourself (DIY).

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Be a Smarter Homeowner Podcast

We did it! HomeZada has launched a podcast called Be a Smarter Homeowner. You will meet the HomeZada cofounders, John Bodrozic and Beth Dodson. They will discuss topics that help you understand why HomeZada exists and also how to help you be the smartest homeowner you can.

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DIY First Aid Kits for Wherever You Are

DIY First Aid Kits for Wherever You Are
Photo by Roger Brown from Pexels

First aid kits can be as simple or as complex as you need. Instead of creating one huge first-aid kit that you need to lumber around everywhere you go, create multiple kits for different scenarios.

For example, items you would need if you were stranded in your car wouldn’t be exactly the same as what you’d need for a weeklong camping trip in the desert!

Preparation is a must for everyone, especially parents! If you carry a first aid pouch with you, you’ll be ready to handle most travel emergencies. 

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HomeZada Launches Document Scanning Features

Keeping track of all your tasks, projects, expenses and inventory for your home usually involves a lot of paper records such as receipts and invoices which tend to get lost or thrown out. HomeZada now makes it very easy to use your phone to scan and save those important records about your home. Here are the simple ways these new document scanning features work.

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