Buying a home? Don’t skip pest inspection

pest inspectionFor most people buying a new home is a significant investment. Before signing any papers, you have to check the place thoroughly to find out if the house is in an excellent condition. Most of the homeowners forget to inspect the place for pests because they don’t think it’s that important.

Chances of your property value reducing due to troublesome pests are more. Before you buy a property, you should get a pest inspection from a pest control company. Here are some of the good reasons on why you should consider it. Read More

When Does it Make Sense to Purchase a Condo?

condoGuest Blogger: Stephanie Lynch

Should I purchase a condo instead of a home?

This is a question that most of us think about when searching for a new home. While a nice one-story ranch on a cul-de-sac with a white picket fence sounds awesome, the landscaping and the exterior maintenance may be a large turn off.

If this sounds like you, that’s okay because you’re Read More

Stress Free Downsizing to Make it To Your New Home

It seems that in a study by Key Retirement Solutions “One in five homeowners aged over 55 are planning to downsize over the next five years”. Yikes. This is a lot of people moving to smaller homes. A smaller home generally means moving less stuff into the new home. So what is anyone to do with all the things they own? And how can stress free downsizing occur in this transition?  Read More

10 Springtime Home Selling Tips

Guest Blogger: Carter Wessman

It’s no secret that spring is the best time to sell your home. But just because there will be a flood of buyers doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for the bidding war to begin. So if you want to sell your home quickly and at the best price possible, check out these 10 springtime home selling tips. Read More

How to Better Manage Household Finances

Household FinancesI forgot to drain my hot water heater and low and behold buildup of sediment and dirt filled the hot water heater and now I have to replace a two year old hot water heater sooner than expected. Yikes! Where am I going to get the money so that my showers are at least warm and my dishes get clean with good hot water?  This happens all the time and you may have run into this scenario and others like it when it comes to Read More