5 Handy Ways to Add Glam in Your Living Room

glamour living room

Guest Blogger: Jerry Smith

Dressing up a living room and adding some glamour can lead to an involved process yet there are simple ways to glam up a room. When it comes to the living room, every aspect of spacing, furnishing and decorative efforts do well by being more emphatic and coherent to produce the best ambiance of the home. A living room is the place that portrays the spirit of your home and Read More

So Many Choices … Kitchen Countertops

Kitchen Countertops

Today we can find a variety of counter top materials to use to create a specific look or feel in a kitchen.  Let’s take a look at the variety of kitchen countertops and their pros and cons to using them in a kitchen. Read More

Celebrating the World with Maps

MapsWhat an adventure travel provides us. And with the Olympic Games celebrating the countries around the world, why not decorate a room or a piece of furniture with maps? We have maps from all over the world and love the reminders they bring us to the glorious locations Read More

The Color Red is Taking our Hearts Away

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, why not celebrate red in our homes. Like any other color accent added to a room or home, red brings this bold statement. And in some cases the fun and intense personality of the homeowner. This vibrant ruby color also represents strength, passion and love.   Read More